
Showing posts from November, 2023

How to check UTL_FILE and FND_FILE are working fine or not.

Below are the scripts to check whether UTL_FILE is working or breoken. In order to fix the issue need to run the utilSunc ad DB node. set serveroutput on DECLARE file_location VARCHAR2(256) := ' '; file_name VARCHAR2(256) := 'utlfile1.lst'; file_text VARCHAR2(256) := 'THIS IS A TEST'; file_id UTL_FILE.file_type; BEGIN file_id := UTL_FILE.fopen(file_Location, file_name, 'W'); UTL_FILE.put_line(file_id, file_text); UTL_FILE.fclose(file_id); EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_PATH THEN dbms_output.put_line('Invalid path ' || SQLERRM); WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Others '|| SQLCODE || ' ' || SQLERRM); END; / References: Metalink (MOS) Note ID: 261693.1 FND_FILE set serveroutput on exec FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'THIS IS A TEST');

Oracle Value Chain Planning (VCP) Instance Setup

VCP modules can be implemented on the same instance where other modules like Order Management, Purchasing, Field Service etc are implemented. But, the regular practice is to use a distributed system. In a distributed environment we implement VCP on a separate instance (called the destination instance) and bring in the data required for VCP from another instance called the Source Instance. VCP Instance setup steps Create the source instance entry into VCP. A single VCP instance can plan for many source instances. Every source instance has a unique 'Instance Code' which we give as the entry while creating the 'Application Instances'. Functional Setup: Navigation - Service Supply Chain Administrator --> Admin --> Instances Important Fields: Instance Code -- Unique Source Instance Code Version -- Version of Source Instance. (Ex: R12.1) From Source to APS -- Database Link to get data from source