

Only common users who have been commonly granted the ALTER PROFILE system privilege can alter or drop the mandatory profile, and only from the CDB root. We cannot remove a limit from the DEFAULT profile. Making a Password Unavailable: The following statement makes the password of the new_profile profile unavailable for reuse for 90 days:     ALTER PROFILE new_profile     LIMIT PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME 90     PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX UNLIMITED;     Setting Default Password Values:  The following statement defaults the PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME value of the app_user profile to its defined value in the DEFAULT profile:    ALTER PROFILE app_user     LIMIT PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME DEFAULT    PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX UNLIMITED;     Limiting Login Attempts and Password Lock Time:  The following statement alters profile app_user with FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS set to 5 and PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME set to 1:   ALTER PROFILE app_user LIMIT    FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 5    PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 1; This statement causes any user account to w

How to solve xdpyinfo Errors

  The following error messages indicate that xdpyinfo is not installed: Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set. Failed. The xdpyinfo program must be installed. Type the following command. yum install xorg-x11-utils-<version-number> If the program is already installed, check whether the oracle user has execute privileges. [oracle@ouzo ~]$ cd /usr/bin [oracle@ouzo bin]$ ls -al | grep xdpyinfo -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root      38112 Feb 23  2015 xdpyinfo If the oracle user does not have executable privileges, log in as root and execute this command: xhost +SI:localuser:oracle Log in as the oracle user and run the installer. ./runInstaller

Oracle 19c DB install on Oracle Linux 8 – avoid [WARNING] [INS-08101] Unexpected error while executing the action at state: ‘supportedOSCheck’

  [INS-08101] Unexpected error while executing the action at state: ‘supportedOSCheck’.  Above error occurred while  19c (19.3) binary  installation on server Oracle enterprise Linux version version 8.1 or greater   Met INS-08101 when I installed Oracle database 19c on Oracle Linux 8 update   Unexpected error while executing the action at state: 'supportedOSCheck' Solution 1 To solve this error 'supportedOSCheck' can set environment variable  CV_ASSUME_DISTID , either temporarily or permanently. At runtime, we can export the variable $ export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL8.1 Solution 2 Or we can uncomment the line containing the variable in the  CVU configuration file .  $ vi $ORACLE_HOME/cv/admin/cvu_config #CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL5 Just remove the leading # the line

How to increase OACORE memory in R12.2

 Need to check  OS admin first to ensure system has sufficient 'free RAM' before changing Heap Size.  Login to Console :<admin Port>/console/ Go to the below section. Domain Configurations > Environment > click the link " Servers " On right side will see  Configuration > " Customize this table "      Click  >      oacore_server1    Click   Server Start  ("Sub Tab")     Click Lock & Edit     Go to Arguments     Entry like this.   -Xms512m -Xmx1024m     Change to     -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m Click the ' Save ' button to save the configuration changes. Once the customizations are complete and saved, click the 'Activate Changes' button in the 'Change Center' panel to activate the changes. Retest the performance Specially during D

How To Set Up Cron Jobs In Lnix

  CRONTAB What is Crontab? Crontab is a file which contains the schedule of cron entries to be run and at specified times. Crontab Commands             export EDITOR=vi ;to specify a editor to open crontab file.    crontab -e      Edit crontab file, or create one if it doesn’t already exist.     crontab -l     crontab list of cronjobs , display crontab file contents. crontab -r     Remove your crontab file. crontab -v     Display the last time you edited your crontab file. Crontab Examples A line in crontab file like below removes the tmp files from /home/appsolworld/tmp each day at 6:30 PM. 30     18     *     *     *         rm /home/appsolworld/tmp/* Crontab every hour This is most commonly used for running cron every hour and executing a command after an interval of one hour. crontab format every hour is simple to have hour field as *  which runs every hour as the clock switches to new hour.  if you want to run it at the beginning of hour the minute filed needs to be 0 or any other

Steps to resolve OPMN port conflict

  To resolve this issue, below steps would be required to perform before installing or upgrading: Check port 6000 is being used (“netstat -a | grep 6000”) Should be disabled the graphics console login process on the Linux server. This can be done by logging in as root and issuing the following commands: Find the process that uses port 6000 by the command “lsof -i TCP:6000”. Use “kill -9” to abort the process found in the previous step Confirm that nothing is listening at port 6000 (“netstat -a | grep 6000”)        [root@shsdnbty01 ~]# lsof -i TCP:6000                          COMMAND   PID USER   FD   TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME                               X       11082 root    5u  IPv6  58891      0t0  TCP *:x11 (LISTEN)                               X       11082 root    6u  IPv4  58892      0t0  TCP *:x11 (LISTEN) [                             root@shsdnbty01 ~]# kill -9 11082

EBS R12.2 Upgrade: Rapidwiz Prerequisite Check Fails With Message: DB Version Check Has Failed.

  Issue Description: Oracle E-business suite R12.2 Upgrade File System Pre-install check Failed : ——————-ADX Database Utility Finished————— DB Version Check has failed. Not able to check the Database version. Please make sure the Database is at or higher DB service_names Check has failed. Not able to check if ebs_patch as an entry exists in Database service_name parameter. Existing DB SID validation has failed. Connection to database failed.  Unable to validate the current SID FIX: Database connectivity issue can be resolved by doing the following steps : Review the  sqlnet.ora file and confirm the following entries are present: SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER i) If the initialization parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON is set to FALSE: SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER = 8 ii) If SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON is set to TRUE SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER = 10 Modify the service_names parameter  and include ebs_patch as shown below and retry. SQL> sho parameter service