JSP Compilation in EBS R12.2

 JSP Compilation steps

Step 1: Shutdown the application services

Step 2: Take backup for the _Page(class file) folders

$ cd $OA_HTML/WEB-INF/classes

$ ls -lrt
$ mv _pages _pages_bkup<date> a

$ cd $OA_HTML/WEB-INF/classes

$ ls -lrt
$ mv _pages _pages_bkup<date>
$ mkdir _pages
$ ls -lrt

To Implement the solution


1)Compile the JSP's. In Unix server: # perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ojspCompile.pl --compile --flush -p 10 -log /tmp/ojspc_error.log

2) Cabo

Images and style sheets can be corrupted or out of sync in the cabo caches,
you may need to clear the files under cache directories after backup:


3) Web Browser

for Internet Explorer:

- go to menu Tools => Internet Options,
- select 'General' tab,
- click on button 'Delete Files' in 'Temporary Internet files' area
- click on button 'Delete...' then in 'Delete Browsing History' pop-up window click on 'Delete Files...'
- close all IE windows and restart new browser session.

for Mozilla Firefox:

- go to menu Tools
- select 'Clear Private Data...' or 'Clear Recent History...' then check 'Cache'
- go to menu Edit or Tools
- select Preferences or Options.
- expand the 'Advance' options and choose 'Cache' or Privacy
- click the button called 'Clear Cache'.

Start application $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adstrtal.sh

4)Re-test the issue and confirm.

For reference Metalink support id : Doc ID 2587865.1


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