Usage of R12.2 EBS Application Services


Root ServicesNode Manageradnodemgrctl.shWLS Node Manager controls server instances within a domain providing automatic restart functionality.
Web Administration ServicesWebLogic Admin Serveradadminsrvctl.shWLS AdminServer controls access to pages within WLS for system wide configuration
Web Entry Point ServicesOracle HTTP Server,
Oracle Process Manager
FMW OHS (Apache) Service
FMW Oracle Process Manager Notification Server (Controls Apache processes)
Web Application Servicesoacore
admanagedsrvctl.shWLS Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Application Server for Self Service web based products
transactions, Secure Enterprise Search (SES) and Web Service
WLS Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Application Forms Server
WLS Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 Application Server utilized by WebService products using java API for Forms
Batch Processing ServicesConcurrent Servicesadcmctl.shConcurrent Managers
Other ServicesMobile


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