How to check file version in Oracle EBS


Method I : ADIDENT utility

To find out a file version, oracle have provided ‘ADIDENT’ utility (AD Utility). 

adident Header <file_name>

adident Header OKCGTM.pll

Method II : Strings utility

Strings is a UNIX based utility which is used to  print the strings of printable characters in files. 

strings -a <file_name>|grep Header
strings -a OKCGTM.pll|grep Header

Method III : SQL Query

Following SQL query can be used the file version number and also the patch number which brought the file to the current version

SELECT af.app_short_name "Application"                      ,
  af.filename "File Name"                                    ,
  afv.VERSION "File Version"                                 ,
  NVL (aap.patch_name, 'Default Installation') "Patch Number",
  || fa.basepath
  || '/'
  || af.subdir "Location"
   FROM apps.ad_files af           ,
  apps.ad_patch_run_bug_actions apa,
  apps.ad_patch_run_bugs aprb      ,
  apps.ad_patch_runs apr           ,
  apps.ad_patch_drivers apd        ,
  apps.ad_applied_patches aap      ,
  apps.ad_file_versions afv        ,
  apps.fnd_application fa
  WHERE af.filename = 'OKCGTM.pll'
AND af.file_id      = apa.file_id(+)
  --AND apa.common_action_id(+) = 4042
AND apa.patch_run_bug_id = aprb.patch_run_bug_id(+)
AND aprb.patch_run_id    = apr.patch_run_id(+)
AND apr.patch_driver_id  = apd.patch_driver_id(+)
AND apd.applied_patch_id = aap.applied_patch_id(+)
AND af.file_id           = afv.file_id
AND af.app_short_name    = fa.application_short_name
GROUP BY aap.patch_name,
  af.filename          ,
  afv.VERSION          ,
  af.app_short_name    ,
  af.file_id           ,
  af.subdir            ,


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