How to increase OACORE memory in R12.2

 Need to check OS admin first to ensure system has sufficient 'free RAM' before changing Heap Size. 

Login to Console<admin Port>/console/

Go to the below section.

Domain Configurations > Environment > click the link "Servers"

On right side will see  Configuration > "Customize this table"


   Click  >     oacore_server1

   Click  Server Start ("Sub Tab")

   Click Lock & Edit

   Go to Arguments


  Entry like this.

  -Xms512m -Xmx1024m


  Change to


  -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m

Click the 'Save' button to save the configuration changes.

Once the customizations are complete and saved, click the 'Activate Changes' button in the 'Change Center' panel to activate the changes.

Retest the performance

Specially during Downtime autoconfig can also be modified

s_oacore_jvm_start_options in the $CONTEXT_FILE and re-run autoconfig

There isn't a necessity to make any changes in the Patch FS.

When changes done in Run FS and start the adop patch cycle by running adop phase=prepare, the CCD (Configuration Change Detector) will be invoked and

it will compare the configuration files and will take care of implementing the necessary changes.


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