Submit Workflow Background Engine from backend
The Background Engine is a PLSQL Procedure that checks and executes any deferred or timed-out activities in the workflow system.
If new activities are deferred or timed out after the current Background Engine is started, the procedure will check one more time for any new activities to execute before terminating. When all matching activities have been completed, the procedure comes to end. It can be run as a Concurrent program or as a package or SQLPLUS command.
Run Workflow Background Process from Unix
SQL script placed in $APPL_TOP which can be used to run How to run Workflow Background Process from Unix
sqlplus apps/<apps pass> << EOF
Run Workflow Background Process from SQL*Plus
BEGIN wf_engine.background (itemtype=>NULL , process_deferred=>TRUE , minthreshold=>NULL , maxthreshold=>NULL , process_timeout=>FALSE , process_stuck=>FALSE); END; / Or exec wf_engine.background;
Submit workflow background process from backend
DECLARE l_user_name VARCHAR2(240) := 'SYSADMIN'; l_resp_name VARCHAR2(240) := 'System Administrator'; l_user_id NUMBER; l_resp_id NUMBER; l_resp_appl_id NUMBER; l_request_id NUMBER; BEGIN -- Apps Initialization SELECT user_id INTO l_user_id FROM fnd_user WHERE user_name =l_user_name; SELECT b.RESPONSIBILITY_ID,b.APPLICATION_ID FROM fnd_responsibility_tl tl, fnd_responsibility b WHERE tl.responsibility_name = 'System Administrator' AND LANGUAGE=UserEnv('LANG') AND tl.RESPONSIBILITY_ID=b.RESPONSIBILITY_ID; fnd_global.apps_initialize ( user_id => l_user_id ,resp_id => l_resp_id ,resp_appl_id => l_resp_appl_id ); -- l_request_id := FND_request.submit_request(application => 'FND', program => 'FNDWFBG', description => NULL, start_time => '2022/10/26 00:00:00', sub_request => FALSE, argument1 => null, argument2 => null, argument3 => NULL, argument4 => 'Y' , argument5 => 'N', argument6 => NULL ); IF l_request_id> 0 THEN Dbms_Output.put_line(l_request_id); commit; END IF; END; /
Schedule periodic workflow background process concurrent program through frontend.
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