How to Disable Auto-Login Keystore

 Disable Auto-Login

At times, It is required to perform some operations directly using an open password-protected keystore without auto-login keystore. To close AUTOLOGIN temporarily, we can use OPEN FORCE KEYSTORE to make password-protected open and implicitly close AUTOLOGIN keystore.

SQL> administer key management set keystore open force keystore identified by "welcome1" container=all;

keystore altered.

Except to disable it temporarily, we can remove the auto-login keystore permanently.

First of all, Let's see the location of WALLET_ROOT.

SQL> show parameter wallet_root

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

wallet_root                          string      /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0


We should go to the location of WALLET_ROOT and check

 Remove Auto-Login from Wallet

[oracle@node01 ~]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/db_1/admin/ORCLCDB/wallet/tde

[oracle@node01 tde]$ 



We moved the auto-login wallet as a backup.

[oracle@node01 tde]$ mv cwallet.sso cwallet.sso.backup

Do this step on all nodes if DB is on RAC

2. Close Auto-Login Keystore

Auto-login keystore is working, So we need to close it.

SQL> administer key management set keystore close container=all;

keystore altered.

SQL> select con_id, wallet_type, status from v$encryption_wallet order by 1,2;


---------- -------------------- ------------------------------

         1 UNKNOWN              CLOSED

         2 UNKNOWN              CLOSED

         3 UNKNOWN              CLOSED

3. Open Password-Protected Keystore

Once auto-login keystore is close, we should open up the password-protected keystore.

SQL> administer key management set keystore open identified by "welcome1" container=all;

keystore altered.

SQL> select con_id, wallet_type, status from v$encryption_wallet order by 1,2;


---------- -------------------- ------------------------------

         1 PASSWORD             OPEN

         2 PASSWORD             OPEN

         3 PASSWORD             OPEN

4. Re-create Auto-Login Keystore

Whenever we need auto-login, we can recreate it back.

SQL> administer key management create auto_login keystore from keystore identified by "welcome1";

keystore altered.

5. Close Password-Protected Keystore

Since we have recreated auto-login wallet back, we can close password-protected keystore.

SQL> administer key management set keystore close identified by "welcome1" container=all;

keystore altered.

SQL> select con_id, wallet_type, status from v$encryption_wallet order by 1,2;


---------- -------------------- ------------------------------

         1 AUTOLOGIN            OPEN

         2 AUTOLOGIN            OPEN

         3 AUTOLOGIN            OPEN

It's back now.


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