How to troubleshoot Output Post Processor Issues
The Output Post Processor (OPP) is designed to support XML Publisher as a post-processing action for concurrent requests. If a request is submitted with an XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request output, then after the concurrent manager finishes running the concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher template and create the final output.
Memory Usage Per Process:
The maximum amount of memory or maximum Java heap size a single OPP process can use is by default set to 512MB. This value is needed by the Loader Data File: $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/US/afoppsrv.ldt which specifies that the DEVELOPER_PARAMETERS is “J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx512m”.
How to determine the current Java heap size:
SELECT service_id, service_handle, developer_parameters FROM fnd_cp_services WHERE service_id = (SELECT manager_type FROM fnd_concurrent_queues WHERE concurrent_queue_name = ‘FNDCPOPP’); Increase the maximum Java heap size for the OPPTo 1024MB (1GB): UPDATE fnd_cp_services To 2048MB (2GB): UPDATE fnd_cp_services SET developer_parameters = 'J:oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsf.GSMServiceController:-mx2048m' WHERE service_id = (SELECT manager_type FROM fnd_concurrent_queues WHERE concurrent_queue_name = 'FNDCPOPP'); Then we need to bounce the OPP to get it into effect Recreate the OPP queueThe OPP queue can be Recreated using the $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afopp002.sql file as an ‘APPLSYS’ user. On running the script you will be prompted for username and password. Profile options related to OPPThere are 2 new that can be used to control the timeouts Profile Option : Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout Profile Option : Concurrent:OPP Process Timeout How to check OPP logfilesTo investigate XML issues or other publishing problems, often the OPP log file is needed. Below are the steps to find logfile from the Front end
Directly from the file system based after identifying the corresponding OPP log file name using the following SQL statement: SELECT fcpp.concurrent_request_id req_id, fcp.node_name, fcp.logfile_name Threads and Processes for Output post-processorOPP Service is a multi-threaded process. OPP processes and threads can be seen from Concurrent Manager define form 1) Logon to Applications with “System Administrator” responsibility 2) Concurrent -> Manager -> Define 3) Query for “Output Post Processor” 4) Click on “Work Shifts” and This will show the number of processes One service instance of the OPP service is by default. This seeded OPP service instance has one work shift with one process We can see the parameter of the threads as below: oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5 General Issues with OPPCONC-PP NO RESPONSE:Setting the profile option Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout to a higher value may be necessary. Solution: By default, a timeout will occur if it takes longer than 120 seconds (2 min.) for the Output Post Processor to pick up the request from the Concurrent Manager process. Increase the same if required. CONC-PP TIMEOUT: By default, a timeout will occur if it takes longer than 300 seconds (5 min.) for the XML Publisher engine to generate the output file. We will need to increase the timeout if necessary java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error A high number of threads increases the risk of running into java.lang.OutOfMemoryError errors during peak loads. So Limit the number of threads per OPP process For the specific concurrent program which is showing OPP related out of memory issues, think of increasing run time memory Go to “System Administrator” responsibility. Concurrent – > Program – > Define. Search for the concurrent program Set the Options field to -Xmx1024M Save. Bounce the Concurrent Manager for the effects to take place. How to restart OOP ServicesUsing System Administrator responsibility navigate to Concurrent–>Manager–>Administer ->Output Post Processor Deactivate and Activate Alternatively, click on Restart. If not stopped/deactivated check the processes and kill and try to start ps -ef |grep java | grep -v grep | grep FNDOPP |
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