DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT = 'string1' , 'string2' , 'string3' , 'string4' , ...


  • string1 is the pattern of the primary database filename

  • string2 is the pattern of the standby database filename

  • string3 is the pattern of the primary database filename

  • string4 is the pattern of the standby database filename

You can use as many pairs of primary and standby replacement strings as required. You can use single or double quotation marks.

The following are example settings that are acceptable:

DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT = '/dbs/t1/','/dbs/t1/s_','dbs/t2/ ','dbs/t2/s_'

DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT is useful for creating a duplicate database for recovery purposes. It converts the filename of a new datafile on the primary database to a filename on the standby database. If you add a datafile to the primary database, you must add a corresponding file to the standby database. When the standby database is updated, this parameter converts the datafile name on the primary database to the datafile name on the standby database. The file on the standby database must exist and be writable, or the recovery process will halt with an error.




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